is a writer and producer who explores how humans tangle with science and technology. She's the creator of 玲珑加速器换节点, a podcast network that demystifies the future, featuring hit shows like Flash Forward and Advice For And From The Future. Her work has covered everything from spoofed fingerprints to fake tumbleweed farms to million dollar baccarat heists. For a longer bio, head this way. You can also follow her on Twitter, 玲珑加速器模式, Linkedin and Facebook. But that might be overdoing things.
She's also got a newsletter for her mom (and you) to keep up with her work and a page for goofy side projects.
Advice for and from the Future
Questions about tomorrow, answered today.
Flash Forward Presents
Production Company
Welcome to tomorrow.
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30 for 30 Podcasts
Helped launch the first season of 30 for 30 Podcasts at ESPN.
How technology and science are biased by design.
Podcast Idea
Every Friday, a new (fake) podcast idea in your inbox.
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Last Word on Nothing
Science: clear, crafty, and delivered to your door.
Fashion Face Masks Are Coming
As air pollution gets worse, a dystopian accessory is born.
Progress Isn't Inevitable
The biggest lie tech people tell themselves and the rest of us.
To Pick a Pepper
99 Percent Invisible
The quest to save New Mexico chile peppers, with robots and genetics.
Ladies Defrauding Ladies
What a 19th-century scammer can teach us about women, lying, & economics.
为什么我用玲珑加速器VPN模式感觉网速变慢了? - Sogou:2021-9-22 · 你用vpn模式是要干嘛 是要玩国服的还是要玩美服的 如果是正常的加速器模式不能使用的时候 再用vpn模式 vpn并不是最好的选择 这是迫不得已的情况下才能选的 评论 0 0 加载更多 置顶 你想知道的这里都有 已解决问题:262,212,035 新手帮助 如何提问 ...
On The Ice
What if I told you 20 totally unprepared women tried to make it to the North Pole?
A Queen of Sorts
30 for 30
What if I told you a mysterious lady mastermind took casinos for millions?
Scanning Student Faces
Should we use facial recognition systems on students?
Kelly the Sassy Dolphin
Hakai Magazine
What can one quirky, captive dolphin teach us about animal personality?
What is Meat?
A labeling war is brewing over whether lab grown meat is really meat.
FICTION: A virtual reality actress realizes the dangers of her work.
Cold Case Confusion
When a cold case is solved, why can't internet sleuths move on?
The Limits of Empathy
When Disability Tech is Just for Marketing
The Outline
到底怎样使用迅雷加速器才能加速成功??_新崔斯特姆_凯恩之 ...:2021-7-27 · 迅雷加速器就是个笑话,我基友花了30大洋开了最高级的VIP,拿来玩CF,我试了一下加速d3,一点效果都没有,不管模式自动还是1、2、3 买玲珑或者47吧 不会失望的,,
I'm Listening
Note to Self // WNYC
What would it be like if everything you said was transcribed in real time?
Death Date
FICTION: Do you want to know when you're going to die?
The Exemption Packet
FICTION: A story about augmentation, choice, and future bureaucracy.
- 玲珑加速器换节点
The Deadman's Prints
Meet the scientists trying to recreate a dead man's fingerprints.
Design Bias
A series on how science and technology leaves out certain people, by design.
Lady Cyborgs
Why is my RFID chip considered a cyborg implant, and my IUD isn't?
Hurdles to Hacking
Five Thirty Eight
Taking a project from hack to product is still extremely difficult.
The Truth about Sex Robots
BBC Future
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Desing for Dreaming
Atlas Obscura
What's a 1956 General Motors ad doing in The Stepford Wives and Super Mario?
Imagination Battles
Los Angeles Review of Books
What does the future look like?
3D printed hands are cool, but they can't replace most prosthetics.
The Slippery Spectrum
The Atlantic
The way people describe autism makes it difficult, if not impossible, to define.
Sports Bras Suck
吃鸡加速器太多了?所有绝地求生加速器不负责任深度评测 - 知乎:2021-1-5 · 绝地最近才更新了新版本,并且终于正式发布了,增加了新的枪械 人物动作伍及新的沙漠地图。 作为迄今为止当下最火的一款游戏,说他超越了LOL都不为过,也是第一款普及到了全国的需要加速的STEAM游戏。 此类游戏服…
The Atlantic
How many photographs are there of you in the world?
Women Cooking Alone
Why the 'Kitchen of the Future' always fails us.
Exoskeletal Dreams
The Atlantic
The promise and the peril of the powered exoskeleton.
Rock of Ages
Archaeologists used to be obsessed with religion. Now they're not. Is the field worse off?
Female Futurism
The Atlantic
Futurism is dominated by men, and that's a bad thing.
The Quantified Vag
Your vagina is not a machine, and you don't have to treat it like one.
Save or Salvage
Chosing between a prosthetic or a reconstructed limb is getting even harder.
Dark Matter
The subversive science fiction of hip-hop.
Man Hands
Prosthetic devices have long been created by men, for men.
A Better Speculum
The long, dark history of the vaginal speculum, and why nobody can design a better one.
The Reusable Coffin
Symbolia Magazine
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Track That Woman
The Atlantic
How self tracking apps exclude women.
My Internet Hometown
The Atlantic
用玲珑流放者柯南加速器 轻松解决加速难题 - Sohu:2021-3-8 · 使用玲珑流放者柯南加速器,为玩家提供流畅稳定的网络环境,即使在高峰期也可伍保证玩家愉快玩耍。 流放者柯南(别名:蛮王柯南,英文名:Conan Exiles)是由Funcom开发制作的一款3D沙盒生存冒险类游戏,该游戏包含单人模式和联机模式。
The Unluckiest Mummy
Nautilus Magazine Feature
The story of how one mummy was blamed for everything from the Titanic to World War I.
When Simpler is Better
NOVAnext Feature
State-of-the-art prosthetic devices are awesome, but often aren't actually what amputees need.
Farmer Prosthetics
Modern Farmer Feature
Fancy prosthetic tech is advancing quickly. Farmers need something else.
BBC Future Feature
吃鸡加速器破解版下载- 全方位下载:2021-10-7 · 吃鸡加速器破解版是一款非常不错的网游加速器,专为《绝地求生》吃鸡游戏打造。能为玩家提供各种区域服务器专线加速服务,并且支持所有时下最热门网游一键加速模式。
Idioms of Improbability
Nautilus Magazine Map
How do you say "when pigs fly" around the world?
Hear the Orcas Sing
One populatin of orca whales off Alaska speaks a langauge all their own.
Power Hungry
Architect Magazine
Why do data centers suck so much power, and how can they be more efficient?
The (Fake) Memory Palace
How do fake images change our memory, and our actions?
An Unfair Advantage?
Scientific American Feature
Should the "Blade Runner" be allowed to compete in London?
The Life of a Paper
What happens before publication? My hand modeling debut. Oh and I also made the props.
Girl Talk
NYT Podcast
The way girls talk might, like, effect you more than you think, you know?
Autistic Intelligence
Scientific American Feature
93话_剑玲珑漫画_剑玲珑93话_知音漫客网:1 天前 · 知音漫客网免费提供剑玲珑漫画93话在线阅读,与杂志同步更新剑玲珑漫画,爽快的阅读体验,高清正版的资源,看剑玲珑 ...
Interactive App
An interactive iPad app for Scienceline.org.
What the Heck is Beer?
Scienceline Animation
A stop motion animation explainer about how beer is made.
Tumbling Along
Scienceline Podcast
奇游电竞加速器 新游热游毫秒响应 72小时免费试用【官方网站】:奇游电竞加速器,电竞级网络加速,超低延迟/秒级响应/拒绝丢包,完美加速绝地求生、gta5、csgo、彩虹六号、战地5等游戏,新游热 ...
30 for 30
Podcast Producer
A brand new podcast about sports history.
Story Collider
Podcast Editor
True, personal stories about science, both funny and touching.
BBC Future
I go out and meet the people living the future today.
Acting Technology Editor
Killer robots, future burials, Star Wars and more.
CUNY Graduate School
Teaching science journalism.
Managing Editor
Tech-savvy women creating the content we want to consume.
Special Media Manager
A new monthly digital magazine on culture, science and ideas.
TED Education
Script Writer
Lessons worth sharing.
Minute Earth
Project Coordinator
The story of our planet.
Banff Center
Smart News Editor
Keeping you current.
Science Studio
We find the best science multimedia on the web so you don't have to.